Drugs Should Not Be Allowed in Sports

Drugs Should Not Be Allowed in Sports

Drugs should not be allowed in sports
Being an athlete has a great responsibility and once they neglect that duty, their glory would be engulfed by betrayal, lack of inspiration and disappointment. Steroids leave tragic effects on your body, therefore athletes should not waste time cheating themselves and others and should actually play the game the way it is meant to be played. In the roman period, chariot racers mixed drugs in their horse’s food to make them run faster. Gladiators allowed this to make the fight vigorous and bloody for the public. Steroids were first developed in the 1930’s and are used to build muscle, enhance performance and improve appearance but can be quite harmful to the body.
Apart from the fact that using drugs are cheating, it is also dangerous if an athlete overdoses on a drug which can be long term and sometimes even life threatening. The first recorded death was in 1886 from a cyclist named Arthur Linton, who overdosed on trimethly. The second incident was in 1904, when a marathon runner Thomas Hicks almost dies at the Olympics after mixing brandy and strychnine. If drugs were allowed in sports, being an athlete would be quite dangerous in many ways. If you were to use drugs, you would risk getting caught and getting disqualified and would miss out on the whole team spirit.
What do you gain from using drugs? The most common reasons steroids are used is to increase their own muscle mass and improve their appearance. It could also be because the particular person has low self-esteem, and you know what they say, “The bigger the better”. As most of you might have heard about the well-known incident of Lance Armstrong, he provided millions of people with an image of a hero but the image was shattered after a regretful confession to the public with his use of drugs.

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