Eating Disorder

Eating Disorder

Eating Disorder
The appearance of a person is so important that it drives many individuals to extreme measures to achieve the look, and that is where eating disorder steps in. The attractiveness and appearance of a person is such a high priority for many people in today’s society. TV commercials have a big role to contribute to eating disorder. Many individuals want the perfect “model” look in order to feel good. Trying to fit into the society by being attractive and pleasing others, more so than themselves is such a high for those folks. Eating disorders are the result from attaining such unhealthy, drastic look.
In an average year, a young teen will see about 5,260 commercials mentioning attractiveness. Many of these commercials will include diet plans, diet services and some sort of a diet pill. Diet services are an ever-growing industry with Jenny Craig and Weight Watchers. The weight loss industry is constantly creating new products and easier ways for the population to lose weight “fast and easy”. Many of which claims no exercise is needed, and fails to show results. 69% of girls in one study said that commercials influence their idea of the perfect body shape. People are turning to severe ways to get the results they want. Attractiveness is displayed on commercials as its main focus point.
Having the “model” look means being attractive, thin, and appealing to others. Numerous amounts of publications such as magazines, TV show and even catalogs, influence people. According to studies, 47% of girls in 5th – 12th grade felt magazine pictures influenced them to want to lose weight. The average US woman is 5’4 and weighs about 140 pounds. Whereas the average US model is 5’11 and weighs 117 pounds. Some people are trying to obtain such looks that are nearly impossible. Ten years ago, plus-size models averaged between size 12 and 18. The majority of plus-size models on agency boards today are between 6 and 14. This has changed the frame of what people think...

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