


The creation of life outside the womb

Artificial wombs will allow women with damaged uteruses (or other medical conditions that make pregnancy dangerous) but viable ovaries to have their own genetic children without resorting to surrogacy, which can bring all sorts of legal hassles into the picture

Premature babies could be placed in artificial wombs instead of incubators, and allowed to continue development in the proper environment. Currently, mechanical ventilation damages lungs, and many very premature babies end up brain damaged or developmentally delayed due to lack of proper respiration

A woman who wanted to end her pregnancy could elect -- or be forced -- to have her embryo transferred to an artificial womb rather than having its life terminated by an abortion

A woman who does not want to go through the discomforts of pregnancy, the dislocation to her career, and/or the pain of delivery could theoretically have their embryo transferred to an artificial womb, and return to the hospital nine months later to pick up her newborn.
~If you don’t want to go through the discomforts of pregnancy, then do you really want to have a child? It’s not like you would be getting a limb sawed off…. And if a woman is worried about her career then maybe she shouldn’t have children in the first place. If her profession is one that is intolerant of pregnancies and children then how will she have the time to love and care for her child? Her career came first before the pregnancy so will it come first before the child as well?

Society could be flooded with newborns available for adoption. Waiting lists could rapidly shrink to zero. ~ But then how do we know when to stop using this process? What happens when there are no more couples who want to adopt and we are “flooded” with babies with no where to go?
Governments may have to either fund many orphanages or offer financial inducements to encourage couples to adopt. ~A child should never have...