Educational Stakeholders

Educational Stakeholders

            I will be explaining the roles of six educational stakeholders—school board members, superintendent, site administrator, teachers, parents, and students.
School Board Members
            A school board is elected by the residents of the school district, but in some districts they are elected by the mayor or other county executives. School boards have the power to hire and fire teachers and administrators. They help execute changes that will benefit the district and support the superintendent of the district who has the responsibility of applying and maintaining the policies set by the board. The school board policy is like the police for the school district.

            The superintendent is elected by the school board. The school district superintendent makes sure that teachers meet state standards. The district superintendent as a stakeholder also plays a role on decisions such as new school construction, the districts finance, and a major part of the curriculum and teaching that goes on in the schools of the district and other responsibilities that include creating long-term plans for technology, educational delivery, and district growth.
            The site administrator sets the academic tone for students, parents, staff, and community members by participating in leadership. Effective site administration leadership develops a collaborative team approach to decision making and problem solving, while also developing and maintaining district wide policies and guidelines.
The teacher through knowledge is to lead the students in instruction. Teacher’s can be a mentor, supervisor, counselor, and or community leader. The teacher can be a mentor to students or other teachers. Teachers make their students an effective client to their future environment.
Parents are very important stakeholders to the educational process. Most are influenced by their values and beliefs instead of the school’s law. As a parent their main focus is for...

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