Effect of Friction on Objects in Motion

Effect of Friction on Objects in Motion

My objective of the project is to investigate how far equally weighted objects with different surface textures will slide when propelled across surface with different textures. Friction is the force resisting the relative lateral motion of solid surfaces, fluid layers, or material elements in contact. Force is used to describe an influence that causes a free body to undergo an acceleration.(Okita, N.A., 2003. "Effect of Friction on Objects in Motion," California State Science Fair Abstract)
Every object in a state of uniform motion tends to remain in that state of motion unless an external force is applied to it. The relationship between an object's mass m, its acceleration a, and the applied force F is F = ma. Acceleration and force are vectors (as indicated by their symbols being displayed in slant bold font); in this law the direction of the force vector is the same as the direction of the acceleration vector. For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.(“Newton's Three Lawsof Motion” csep10.phys.utk.edu Thursday, August 10) These are Newton's Three Laws of Motion.
Friction occurs because if there was no friction objects in motion would never stop so therefore... Friction occurs when two objects slide against each other and make contact. Many scientists and engineers helped us understand friction such as Leonardo da Vinci, Guillaume Amontons, John Theophilus Desaguliers, Leonard Euler, and Charles-Augustin de Coulomb. Friction is can decrease by reducing surface roughness, decreasing the contact force, and by using low friction materials. Increasing friction can be done by doing the opposite. Leonardo da Vinci(1452-1519) was probably the first study the effects of friction. Current equation for friction is Fr = μN.
μ is the coefficient of friction. Fr is the magnitude of normal force.

(“Standard Friction Equation” Ron Kurtus
school-for-champions.com 31 May 2008 )

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