Elective Plastic Surgery

Elective Plastic Surgery

Elective Plastic Surgery
Many medical mysteries and motives remain unsolved to this day; one is likely to always be a mystery and to be controversial until the end of modern surgical procedures. Elective plastic surgery has been elevated in everyday lingo and conversations since the dawn of the 21st century. Now more than ever, plastic surgery is the “new craze” hitting young adults. The main controversy lies in the ethics of election of body modification.
Elective plastic surgery, to have a clean argument, must have rhetoric in the pro and con argument. Between articles; there are two that have used to rhetoric to determine the position of the paper strong. Both articles are advanced and informed and will be compared subject by subject to determine the strength of each argument.
When arguing for Plastic Surgery; the strategies that are used and recognized entail raising self-esteem in older adults’ lives. Although plastic surgery was not used for younger adults or teens, it is beginning to become a known trend in their common coated lives. Kathryn Morgan, in her essay, argues about the responses that women have to plastic surgery and the reason that they all chose to have the procedures done. It is obvious that many people (men and women) use the procedures to aim their lives in the right direction, claiming that their reason was that they needed an adjustment to something that could not be fixed. “More often than not, what appear at first glance to be instances of choice turn out to be instances of conformity“.
This argument by Morgan could go in two separate ways, but for the sake of confusion, it is clear she is presenting a pro status. Morgan neatly presents the Liberation into Colonization. Many people use plastic surgery as a liberty-grabber. Making the women feel like she fits in, can result in fewer issues in the families and in the outer life. “As Foucault and others have noted, practices of coercion and domination are often...

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