Emergence of Photography

Emergence of Photography

The emergence of photography moved synchronizedly with the development of cameras and how it was used from the previous century until now. In basic, photography previously taken as a solution to share an image with others who do not experience the real situation.
Definition of Photography
Vision, imagination, or seeing that leads to the same thing which is the ability to envision a final results in your mind’s eye, and then to make it so with your tools at hand.
Snapping a camera is unimportant. Photography always offer its practitioner the ability to see something, recognized its appearance as to realized the beauty of entire world on a piece of paper. There will be no rules on how you want it to be look. Without neglecting the main issues such as composition, lights, and gesture, photography is closely related with paintings. The difference is, photographer needs a tools, which is camera to visible their imagination, while the painters use their ability and skills by paint it on a canvas.
When we are talking about art, the process of defining a photography can’t be defined by a camera. Because art is all about the message. Not about the medium to delivered it.
History Of Photography
Early photography in Greece and the Mediterranean required a huge number of years to be show. It tooks around 150 years from now when 560 photographs of an ancient Greek and Roman architecture was found. In detail, it symbolize with the ancient monuments and sculptures build up everywhere in Athens and all the way through Mediterranean.
The two ancient Greek words associates to create the term “photography” which means light for the “photo” and drawing for the “graph”. Previously, an image were known as sun pictures as they need a sunlight to carve an image.
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