

When Emerson speaks of Nature in the excerpt "Nature loves analogies, but not repetition", he refers to the instincts of a learner and inclination towards education instilled in humanity. Education becomes vital and engaging to a person when there is an interrelationship between the subject of learning and life, this is the love for analogies. What thwarts education is the military beating, or repetition, of words and processes into the head of a student during class.

2. Genius is the naturel of a boy, his inspiration that chases after and attempts to prove what others have not yet seen or believed. On the other hand, Drill is the distinguishing of foolishness and the direction of knowledge. Genius is the entrancing thought that has no answer while drill is the justification of theory through a wise master inflicting rules and instructions.

3. Through a process of extended examples that moves from Emerson's relation to Sir Charles Fellows, Fellows inquiry with a Turk in Xanthos, curiosity that springs into education and connection to other scholars, and, lastly, the bettering of universal knowledge of pre-Parthenon of Athens culture, Emerson relates passion for an unknown subject to education. It was Fellows' passion that drove him to observe and teach himself, one block at a time, about what he questioned. Much like Fellows' endeavor, Emerson believes education begins with curiosity and dusting off pieces of learning and will expand to learning about all subjects when beauty is found in the process.

5. The natural method Emerson refers to in education is the one that humans are born with that cries out to be filled experiments, stories, functionality, and knowledge. Naturally, a child hopes to discover new things and have guidance along the way from an expert and role model. Therefore, a student hopes to learn new things via the hand of a skilled master of the subject. Learning from stories and experiences about the ways of the world is no different...

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