Endangered speices

Endangered speices

Could you imagine a world without tigers, the giant panda, or the rhinoceros? What a paler place it would be. Astonishing amounts of animals are considered critically endangered and near extinction. If we would like these animals to be around for future generations, we cannot hesitate in our efforts to help them.

Rhinoceros - Sadly, the White, Black and Javan rhinoceros are all on the critically endangered list. The Indonesian Javan Rhino is in particularly bad shape with having less than 60 of their kind left in the world. There are about 3000 Black Rhinos. Illegal Hunting is their major threat.

Giant Panda - The Giant panda originates from China, Burma and Vietnam. High estimates say there are fewer than 2000 left in the world low estimates say 700. The primary reason for the decline in their population is poaching and loss of habitat.

Sumatran Tiger - This beautiful big cat is a native of Indonesia. Over the last fifty years, its numbers have decreased drastically from hunters and destruction of the Indonesian forests. Over 80% of the Indonesian forests has been cut down and sadly more is lost daily. Thanks to strict hunting laws, the Sumatran Tiger’s number have been slowly increasing over the last ten years. However, their population is still below 600.

Siberian/Amur Tiger- The Siberian tiger is the largest cat in the world. They are found in Russia. Today there are around 400 Siberian Tigers in the world. Although, this may not seem like a lot, it is a definite improvement on the 40 that lived only 50 years ago.

Polar Bear- Polar bears live throughout the Artic. At one time, there was several hundred thousand but due to excessive hunting; there numbers have decreased to fewer than 25,000.

Today there numbers have grown to 500. Sadly, their habitat is diminished so much that even if their numbers do grow, it will be unable to sustain more than 2000. Their plight is due to loss of habitat ad poaching.

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