Engaged and Underage

Engaged and Underage

Underage and Engaged
Most have heard of this phenomenon in the form of the hit show on MTV that follows couples between the ages of eighteen and twenty-two on the weeks before their approaching wedding day. However, if all information on this topic is drawn from such “reality television”, then each and every teen couple within this age group, across the United States is pregnant and at least one of the individuals in the relationship is a high school dropout. However, not all young couples planning an engagement and hearing wedding bells are the pregnant burn-outs this show would make them seem. Many are mature individuals at the top of the academic and athletic rankings within their schools and are more than ready to take the next step to progress their relationship. Still, the mental image created in the minds of most adults when they hear of such is the words “divorce rate” in gigantic, flashing, red letters. This is an opinion that is based on an unfair stereotype that needs to be demolished. The American opinion of those who are “underage and engaged” needs to change. An exultant engagement followed by marital bliss is a blessing that anyone may have the chance to discover, not something that can be mandated by age.
A successful marriage is a complex combination of an almost innumerable amount of variables. Undeniably, throughout most of these relationships, love is a pivotal and constant factor. In fact, a recent poll of Americans across the country not only coincides with this belief, but strengthens the intensity of the claim. According to the survey, mutual attraction, or love, is the key most desired characteristic in a lifelong mate, which should come as not surprise. Following in a close second among desired traits is maturity or emotional stability. In the American culture both of these characteristics are believed to be pivotal keys to a successful marriage. Neither of them is something that age can necessarily determine. Psychologists have...

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