English 1

English 1

  • Submitted By: matt2719
  • Date Submitted: 12/18/2008 8:03 PM
  • Category: English
  • Words: 931
  • Page: 4
  • Views: 252

Why was the book titled The Giver?

The book was entitled The Giver because this person is the one who transmits memories to the Receiver-in-training so that the memories can be passed on to the generations. The Giver, formerly knows as The Receiver, gives the memories to Jonas, who, in the future, will become the receiver.
Jonas and his family lived in the future in a community called “Sameness”, where there is no pain, color, choices nor memories. Everything that happens in that place is organized and controlled, and everything that happened in the past is forgotten. Everyone is assigned a role in the community, and the people assigned don’t have a choice but to follow them.
Jonas’ father is a nutritionist, a person responsible for the emotional and physical needs of every newchild during its earliest life. When Gabe, a baby in the hospital got sick, they adopted him, and let him stay with their family unit for a year. But if Gabe did not get well within a year, they would release the baby. There in Jonas’ home, they took care of him and treated him as part of the family.
When Jonas turns 12, he was chosen to be the new receiver of memory. He is to be trained by the Giver, who alone holds the memories of the world, and the only one who knows about life’s true happiness and pains.
When he receives the memories, he realizes that people changed through time. They made a new wasy of life, and now, they cannot see colors and snow, and they cannot feel anything, even love. They “release” every old person that is useless to the community, and the same is done to newborn babies who are lighter than their twin, if they have one. The community tells the people that the men released are taken Elsewhere, where they are used and needed.
At home, Gabe has become restless at night. When Gabe slept at Jonas’ room, Jonas accidentally transmitted a memory to him, and he became very calm and quiet. From that night forward, when he discovered Gabe’s ability to...

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