English Colony

English Colony

Devin McEnroe
US History Honors
Mr. Trespinska
English Colony Short Answer
1) Characteristics of English Colony still relevant in our society today…
a. Electing of Officials- Colonists elected who was going to lead them. Today we elect everyone from President to School Board Treasurer.
b. Religious Freedom- Protestantism was starting in England and people like the Puritans came to America to practice their religion away from religious persecution. Now People can practice whatever religion they want, where ever.
c. They Grew and Sold Tobacco- Today the Tobacco industry employs thousands of people, it created jobs, just like when is saved the Virginia Colony.
d. Bacon Re3belled because he felt that his government was not representing him- Today the government lets every citizen vote, so everyone is represented.
e. Upper-class had more representation, influence, and respect- Today even though everyone is represented, some are more represented then others. The rich who can pay off senators are more represented then the Burger King workers.
f. Women were not represented- while today they can vote, they are not viewed as a man’s equal by most people.
g. Africans did not have rights- Today there is still a lot of Racism.
2) I would have wanted to be a part of the Jamestown Colony. I think it would be adventurous, and while I have a chance of dying, I would have loved to go there. England did not let people stand-up for what they believed. I would love to be able to go there and try to make a more fair society, where people would not look down upon me as soon as they heard my “title”.
Being able to start over in an adventurous new world is like a dream, I would love it.

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