Espernza Rising

Espernza Rising

The lady or the tiger
In the short story “The Lady or The Tiger?” by Frank R. Stockton it has a confusing ending that makes you think about what kind of person you are because it make you chose who comes out of the right door. This short story is mainly about justice because the king wants to punish the young man for loving his daughter the princess. The king’s system of justice is by letting the person choose a door and behind each door there is either a tiger or a lady. Fate is supposed to help the person choose the right door. I believe that Frank R. Stockton convinced me that a tiger came out when he wrote “Would it not be better for him to die at once, and go to wait for her in the blessed regions of semi barbaric futurity” (304). Also when Stockton wrote on page 303 “how her soul had burned in agony when she had seen him rush to meet that women”.
One quote that convinced me that a tiger would come out is when Stockton wrote on page 304 “Would it not be better for him to die at once, and go to wait for her in the blessed regions of semi barbaric futurity” because in this quote Stockton writes this which means that the princess will meet her lover in the future after they are both dead .Which of course wouldn’t be long if she lets him chose the right door that has a tiger. When you think about it is similar to Romeo and Juliet when Romeo sees Juliet supposedly dead he kills himself and then she kills herself,
like if the tiger is behind the right door he will die and the princess would commit suicide to be with her lover. Since Romeo is like the princess wouldn’t be able to live without their lovers.
Another quote why I think that a tiger came out is when Stockton wrote on page 303 “How her soul had burned in agony when she had seen him rush to meet that women” because she is expressing her self like she wants to kill the women. In fact the word agony means extreme and generally prolonged pain or suffering. So by using this information...

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