

We are carrying out this survey as part of our project for the course, “Advance & Applied Business Research”. All your information will be kept confidential. For all questions except questions 3 & 18, please uses “X” to check appropriate boxes.

1. Where do you usually shop for purchasing soap?
Super Markets | |
Local Retail Store | |
Wholesale Store | |
Other | |

2. Who in your household decides which soap to purchase?
Males | |
Females | |
Both | |

3. Rank the top 3 soaps in order of your preference (1 being the first & others to follow)
Capri |       |
Dettol |       |
Dove |       |
Life Buoy |       |
Lux |       |
Palmolive |       |
Safeguard |       |

4. How long have you been using your current soap?
Last 6 months | |
Last 1 year | |
Last 2 years | |
Last 5 years or more | |
I frequently switch between different brands | |

5. Use “X” to rate each of the following features of soaps in terms of their importance in your buying decision (1 being most important and 5 being least important)

| 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |
Hygiene | | | | | |
Freshness | | | | | |
Moisturization | | | | | |
Fragrance | | | | | |
Lather | | | | | |
Color | | | | | |
Shape | | | | | |
Packaging | | | | | |
Availability | | | | | |
Price | | | | | |
6. What impact does advertisement have on buying decision for soaps?
Strong Impact | |
Slight Impact | |
No Impact | |

7. Are you aware of Capri?
Yes | | |
No | | Go to Question # 18 please |

8. Have you ever purchased Capri soap?
Yes | | |
No | | Go to Question # 12 please |

9. Did you repurchase Capri after your first try?
Yes | |
No | |

10. How satisfied are/were you with Capri?
Highly Satisfied | |
Satisfied | |
Neutral | |
Dissatisfied | |
Highly Dissatisfied | |

11. Which...

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