

I hardly ever paid much attention to images from past experiences as I believed that it won't do me any good and might even slacken the celerity of my progress. But very soon I learned that some experiences proves not only to be clues to handle future dilemmas but also serve as premonitions for customary pitfalls.

From the time of my birth, to this very moment (...sitting in a corner and blowing my wits out) I have been stuggling for existence while climbing the steps of life , slowly overcoming the differences and obstacles as they grows in magnitude and intensity. Its been a long time since the first burden of making an important decision was put on me by my parents. Just like its nature, a problem arises when a situaton becomes too good or too bad to be handled by an individual . Similarly , this quandary arose when I showed a bit of talent in all my extracurricular and personal activities .Although I had chosen the most demanding subjects in school that required time and effort, I throughly neglected it. Hence the more medallions I brought home ,the more tensed my parents grew ,thinking about what stream I would choose that would become my profession and sole means of existence in future. I too felt the rise of a dilemma because I could neither separate myself from my extracurricular interests nor could extract myself away from Mathematics. Being diligent and assidous in whatever I do, I found myself submerged in personal activities and hence at the end of a day, was too tired to cast proper thought on my academic plans . Concentration had long been a problem for me , therefore the effectiveness of my thoughts could never reach its zenith. So, with time the severity of the predicament increased as I couldn't make a choice. That my whole career depends on this single choice, terrified me too....

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