Ethicsworksheet Filter

Ethicsworksheet Filter

Value Personal Source Justify the Value’s Position in the List. Include any challenges to employing these values consistently when making personal and organizational decisions.
Truthfulness My personal source for truthfulness comes from my mother. She taught me that regardless of the situation, you should always tell the truth. Truthfulness is the number one value on my list. The challenge to employing truthfulness is determining if the entire truth needs to be disclosed, or telling the truth at all. It is very simple to lie. It’s also simple to not say anything at all. But whether it is a life situation or a business situation, it is always best to be truthful.
Respect My personal sources for respect come from several people and several life situations. Respect is the second most important value on my list. When you are showing someone respect, per Gellermann (1981) you are taking their feelings, needs, thought, ideas, wishes, and preferences into consideration. When working with a group, it’s important to listen to other people's ideas and try to understand their reasoning. A person’s input should be encouraged. The challenge in employing respect is showing that that person’s ideas, and thoughts, etc are considered and appreciated, and not dominating the decision-making process by only taking into consideration your own ideas and thoughts.
Integrity According to Merriam-Webster Dictionary (n.d.), Integrity is a firm adherence to a code of especially moral or artistic values, the quality or state of being complete or undivided. My personal source for integrity is the bible. Having integrity is important in personal life as well as in business. The challenge in employing integrity is having the willingness to make the right decision all the time.
Accuracy My personal source for accuracy is from a previous employer, A-Check America. I was a drug-screening coordinator, and part of my responsibilities was reporting pre-employment drug screen results to our...

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