Events Leading to the Spanish Civil War

Events Leading to the Spanish Civil War

Events Leading to the Spanish Civil War

The Spanish Civil War began on July 17, 1936 in Spain and continued until the Nationalist victory against the Republicans on April 1, 1939. The origin of the war, according to accounts by various sources, included many revolutionary events preceding it. There was close to a century of political and social differences that caused the Spanish people to rebel and try to overthrow their government. Moreover, events overseas in other countries piqued the Spanish interest in a new kind of legislation. As James M. Anderson states, countercultural ideas of liberty and equality, generated from the French Revolution in 1789 and from the American Revolution in 1776, began to impact the Spanish society. The conservative monarchy, aristocracy and the Catholic Church awoke to voices among the lower class. Awareness of a more just social system (Anderson, 1) What followed was decades of unpredictable and chaotic chain of events that left the Spanish people fighting in opposite sides to try and restore a new kind of government and social rising.

Spain was historically ruled by a king called a monarchy. During the beginning of the 1800’s the Spanish people were already seeking change. In the early 1800’s the King was captured and imprisoned by the French in a battle. Back in Spain, his
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Parliament met and originated a new Constitution for its people. Sovereignty was placed in the hands of the nation and reduced the King’s power. In 1814, Ferdinand VII regained power, dismissed the Constitution and persecuted anyone who professed liberal ideas. (Anderson, 2) In 1820, there was an uprising and a General Rafael de Riego forced Ferdinand to accept the constitution. Yet, in 1823, the French king sent an army to restore Ferdinand to absolute power. (Lambert)

Between 1833 through 1923, many struggles erupted in the Spanish government. In 1833, the King Ferdinand VII died and was replaced by Isabella...

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