

In William Shakespeare’s The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet, Tybalt’s actions and Lord Capulet’s decisions are most responsible for the deaths of Romeo and Juliet.
Tybalt is the main reason for the deaths of the lovers because he killed Mercutio which started the problem. For example, Mercutio says, “Help me into some house, Benvolio, or I shall faint” (III.I.99). This shows that, Tybalt has killed Mercutio which is going to start a big fued. This also shows that, Tybalt wants to fight all the time which will always get someone in trouble. In addition, Tybalt stated, “‘tis he, that villain Romeo” (I.V.63). This shows that, Tybalt doesn’t want Romeo to marry his cousin because he is a Montague. This also shows that, Tybalt wants Romeo to leave the party. By causing all these problems, Tybalt is hurting Romeo and Juliet.
Lord Capulet is another major reason for the death of the lovers because he is forcing Juliet to marry Paris. For example, Capulet declares, “But fettle your fine joints ‘gainst Thursday next, to go with Paris to Saint Peter’s church” (III.V.153-154). This shows that, Juliet has to marry Paris when she is already married to Romeo. This also shows that, Capulet doesn’t want Juliet and Romeo to be together. In addition, Lord Capulet says, “I tell thee what: get thee to church a’ Thursday, or never after look me in the face. (III.V.161-162). This shows that, Capulet is making Juliet more mad by threatening her. This also shows that, Capulet is raging causing his and Juliet’s relationship to end. Capulet is making Juliet marry another guy instead of staying with Romeo.