explode a moment backflip on skis

explode a moment backflip on skis

One moment I had in my life that felt like it was in slow Motion was my first backflip on skis. Waiting on the top of the run I could feel my heart beating faster and faster. Looking down at the jump that I was going to do the backflip on was all too intimidating. I could feel the cold air sting the sides of my face. I knew I had practiced enough before for this moment, that I would be able to land it without a problem. But it was the risk of something going wrong that made me nervous. I could feel the butterflies rushing at 1000 miles per hour in my stomach.
I finally get enough courage to call my drop to make sure nobody else hits the jump at the same time as me, and I ski down to the jump. The second I left the safety of the top of the hill I couldn’t stop thinking of how scared I was. So many ideas rushing through my head “do I have enough speed? do I have to much? what if I under rotate?”. I was flying down to the jump that seemed like it was the biggest thing I had ever hit.
As I am skiing up to the jump I get a sudden rush of adrenaline that made me feel like I could do anything. I finally make it to the lip of the jump, bend my knees, and pop as hard as I can to get enough air. As I am in the air I remember everything I have to do, “ pop up, throw your hands, tuck your legs, flip back, and spot your landing”. It felt as if I was in the air for a matter of minutes, until I could finally see where I was going to land. I calmly bring my legs around and smoothly land. I could feel all of the adrenaline and euphoria rushing through me at that moment. I was so happy at what I had achieved and will remember that moment for the rest of my life.

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