Failure to Nurture a Child

Failure to Nurture a Child

Child abuse is doing something or failing to do something that result in harm or injury to a child.
An abuser is who fails to nurture the child, physically injures the child, or relates sexually to the child.
There are different types of child abuse. Among which the four major types are:
* Emotional abuse
* Physical abuse
* Neglect
* Sexual abuse
Emotional child abuse:
Emotional child abuse is one of the most common and harmful forms of child abuse. Emotional abuse is any act or behavior or failure to act that disturbs your child’s mental health or social development.
This act can range from a simple verbal insult to an extreme form of punishment. Emotional abuse is always found along with some other form of abuse.
Emotional abuse exists for longer periods and has negative psychiatric effects than either physical or sexual abuse. Hence emotional abuse can also be called as mental abuse, psychological abuse or verbal abuse.
Some of examples of emotional child abuse are: always finding fault, humiliating the child, name calling, and showing no respect can damage a child’s self-esteem.
Physical abuse:
Physical child abuse is causing an injury from physical violence. Some of the acts which cause injury include, burning, hitting, punching, pushing, burning with cigarettes, shaking, kicking, beating, scalding water or otherwise harming a child.
The signs of physical abuse are:
Repeated injuries, Burns, Bruises, shaking a child can cause head injuries, inducing medical illness in a child, crying a lot, seem very tired, fear of adults, bite marks.
It is a very common type of child abuse. Most of the children suffer from neglect than from physical and sexual abuse. Signs of neglecting include not providing basic needs for a child, extreme hunger, and clothing unsuited to weather.
There are three types of neglect; educational neglect, physical neglect, and emotional neglect.
Educational neglect is failure to provide necessary...

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