Family Violence

Family Violence

1. Dear 1311 students,
One big issue not just in El Paso, but around the whole country is domestic violence. I mean most of these people suffering from mental, or physical abuse don’t have anywhere to hide or a way protect themselves. Some don’t accept the fact they’re having domestic issues at their home. It’s even more alarming that theirs organizations that help families overcome this difficult issues going on in their lives. Cafv (Center against family violence) has plenty of services and programs to help people face domestic issues.
Center against family violence has many different types of centers or services that help provide counseling, or even shelter to those who need it. They have emergency shelter services for people who need refuge from a violent/unhealthy relationships. Cafv also provides the transitional living center to those who are trying be independent living, they will give you a home for free up to 24 months. Another available source is the family resource center, this basically helps with counseling, support groups and therapy to those who have suffered sexual assault. Cafv has youth services that targets 12-21 year olds to provide them with early educational sessions. These are just some centers and services that Cafv has, theirs a few more that you can see by visiting their website or calling.
Like I’ve said before Center against family violence is a good resource to help those who suffer from domestic violence or sexual assault. Cafv doesn’t just have those centers or resources but they also have partnerships with other foundations to help people with some other issues they may have. Some of these partnerships they have are with; Child Crisis Center; UTEP; Ysleta independent school district; El Paso police department; El Paso county attorney’s and sheriffs office; Texas Association against sexual assault. These organizations are just some few partnerships they. Cafv has way many more partnerships than just these.
As you all can see...

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