

When Galileo was little he was one of many brothers and sisters. It was difficult for him to study and experiment, so his parents sent him to a monastery. He didn’t stay long though, because the expenses for his parents were too much.

When Galileo got older, he became a professor at the University of Pisa. While there, he was asked to become the teacher of Prince Cosimo D’Medici. By that time, he had already come up with many of his theories which he shared with the prince. The prince disagreed with many of Galileo’s teachings and they argued over many of the things he was taught. Eventually after Galileo proved his theories to him, he learned that his teacher’s teachings were correct.

During the time that Galileo was teaching the prince, he made many discoveries about space. A critical thing that he did to make his space discoveries possible was to improve the telescope to magnify 30 times the original size. By doing this he was able to discove r 4 of Jupiter’s 64 moons. Thinking that they were planets, he named them the Medician planets.

His most famous discovery of all was the Law of Falling Objects. It stated that all objects, regardless of their masses, fall at the same speed until they hit the ground. Sorrowfully, as a result of many of his teachings and discoveries, he was tried by the Catholic church and was forced to retract them. He was put under house arrest for the rest of his life.


Wilson Bentley was born on February 9, 1865 into a small farming family in Jericho, Vermont. When he was young, one of his favorite things were snowstorms. He loved snowflakes and tried to study them by putting them under a microscope. He tried to record what each snowflake looked like by drawing them, however, they always melted before he could finish.

Bentley’s work did not really take off until he received a special camera with a built in microscope for his seventeenth birthday.