Fast Food and Childhood Obesity

Fast Food and Childhood Obesity

What type of fast food are you craving today? It's pretty likely that you have a favourite fast food restaurant. In fact when people all over the world are looking for a quick meal to grab on the go fast food is the common solution. With the efficient service, low prices and casual atmosphere fast food seems like the ideal choice.
There are many ingredients that make fast food not so much of a food but a science experiment. Fast food is
composed of a variety of absolutely terrifying ingredients that you would never consider putting in your body if they weren't disguised so beautifully.
How many of you love Mc Donald's or Wendy's fries? I sure did until I found out that a form of silicone that's used in silly putty is also found in them. It's the secret ingredient that keeps fryer oil from foaming.
Anybody craving a burger? David Whopple bought a Mc Donalds burger and forgot about it in his coat pocket and found it 2 years later. To his dismay the burger looked exactly the same. He then decided to carry forward this experiment and after 14 years the burger just refuses to age. The conclusion is that burgers are filled with so many preservatives that they cannot decompose. It looks just as appetizing as if you bought it today. I dare you to take a bite?
It is clear that although fast food is often the fastest and easiest way to get a meal it is also the fastest and easiest way to ware down your health and especially the health of children. Almost a third of children aged 5-17 are obese.
The fast food industry is one of the factors fuelling child obesity. All fast food companies are happt to serve children. Mc Donalds is a master of targeting children in its advertising. It is estimated that Mc Donalds gives away over 15 billion toys per year in their happy meals.
A Big Mac Meal at Mc Donalds contains 1200 calories. In order to burn off these calories you would have to walk 7 hours straight. Fast food contains large amounts of sodium and...

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