Favourite Place

Favourite Place

现在 我 给 你们 蒙古 国 的 名胜古迹 之一。她 叫 Eej mod 。她 在 Shaamar 县, Selenge 省。有 几 个 树 的 传说。一个说,下大雨的时候一个孕妇 找 庇护, 靠在这个特定的树生下了她的孩子,因而得名,EEJ MOD(母亲树)。
母亲树是在Orkhon (鄂尔浑)和Selenge (色楞格) 河满足水盆里。所以风景很漂亮。她是一个高大的树,五颜六色的 khadag (特制的丝绸带)围她的树干, 挂在她的支,并在她的根附近铺地方。她周的围墙制成干茶。
母亲树是人们经常来找安慰和建议。 我们提供白酒,牛奶,米,糖,桧,香,祈求未来的健康和幸福,问她的祝福。
每年7月我们的家人来到母亲树,拜我们尊重她。我们宿夜近的树,在早上太阳起时,参观。这个传统开始从我的妈妈,谁很想要一个孙子。 她参观了几次,以前我回来到蒙古。继而我结婚了,出生了一个 。所以,我的妈妈相信,母树已听到了她的祈祷。因此,这个地方很有意义 我们的家庭。

There are several legends about the tree. The one says a pregnant woman, seeking shelter from a heavy rain storm, sought refuge under this particular tree and gave birth to her child, hence the name, Eej Mod (Mother Tree).
Eej Mod (Mother Tree) is in the basin where the mighty rivers of Orkhon River and Selenge River meet. So scenery is beautiful. Tree is a stirring sight; a tall tree with colorful khadag (specially made bands of silk) wrapped around her trunk, hanging from her branches, and laying near her roots. She is surrounded by fence which is made of dry tea.
Eej Mod is place where Mongolians often come to seek solace and advice. At Mother Tree we offer vodka, milk, rice, millet, candy covered peanuts, and juniper incense and pray for future health and happiness and ask her blessings.
Every year in July our family visits the tree and pays our respect for her. We usually stay overnight near by the tree and visit it in the morning when sun rises. This tradition stars from my mom who wanted a grandchild badly. So she visited couple of times until I came back to Mongolia. And I got married and gave a birth to a baby girl. So my mom believes that the mother tree has heard her prayers. Therefore this place has special meaning to our...

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