Female Quixotism

Female Quixotism

This novel is based in Don Quixote. This novell centers on a girl called Dorcasina who has some romantic encounters with different men along the novel, in all her relationships she wants to pursue the love of the novels she has read. Dorcasina ends being an old maid who has rejected any proposal of love or marriage in order to wait for the Real love of her life. Tenney's is very descriptive, in fact, I would say that she is too descriptive on what every character does. She describes everything and that makes the narration very slow and boring. The idea of the novel is good, but the style is not the best choice. Although It is a critic of all the romantic novels and of the love itself, I think that in the end, the message is not that “real love as the novels does not exist” because it can exist and the author is not going to convince the reader of that if the reader believes. She is just writing about someone who waits his entire life for it. We don't really know if that is the correct attitude or not, we just know that in the case of Dorcasina it could have been better to marry one of the men who proposed it. But this could not be applied to every woman. This novel is kind of feminist but I don't really consider the novel trully feminist, because the feminist way to put it would have been in my own opinion to let the reader (the female reader) feel that whatever her choice is, it's good because she took it freely.

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