

Rosabella and Canyon Hotel Concept Checks
To be honest, financial statements are pretty new to me, and since I plan on running my own business, I need to get familiar with them.
I noticed a few abnormalities in the food menu abstract. The item food cost for the three cheese ravioli seems pretty high to me. In fact, it is the highest food cost item on there, and that is weird to me. I say that because there are plenty of seafood, and meat items that should be higher, which makes it stand out to me. The seafood fettuccini alfredo food cost seems pretty low to me also. The item with the highest contribution margin is not even the bestselling, or most expensive item. It is the grilled salmon that sold 6.93% of the menu mix, the food cost price was only $1.10, and the item selling price was $12.99. The item contribution margin was $11.89, and that is a lot. It brought in $2922.75 in revenue, minus $247.50 it cost to make it, which leaves us with $2675.25 for the menu contribution margin. That makes it the item with the highest contribution margin. The lasagna, manicotti, and Chicken fettuccini also have a high contribution items. The seafood fettuccini alfredo has the lowest contribution margin with 45 items sold, which accounts for 1.39% of the menu mix, and adds up to $395.55. The three meat cannelloni and the seafood ravioli are the next two with lowest contribution margin.
If I had to give the manager advice on improving the restaurants sales mix, I would just tell him take the ones with the lowest contribution margins off of the menu. Then replace them with new menu items, and this can be done periodically to keep the menu fresh, and get rid of items that are not really making them money.
In the daily patrol report, I noticed a lot of overtime hours going out, so I would suggest hiring some part time staff to cut back on over time hours. I also notice a lot of hours being used up in the general store in one day. Two hundred and thirty three hours in one day...

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