Five Percent Nation/Nation of Gods and Earths

Five Percent Nation/Nation of Gods and Earths

Nation of Gods and Earths
The Five Percent Nation/Nation of Gods and Earths originated as an offshoot of the Nation of Islam.
It was founded and established by Clarence Edward Smith, who after becoming inducted into the Nation of Islam, took on the righteous name Clarence 13X, pronounced Clarence the Thirteenth, the 13 signifying that he was the thirteenth member of the religion to join who had that name and the X signifying that he was rejecting his slave name Smith, as in the Nation of Islam, government issued surnames are considered slave names, so members take on new surnames upon being inducted as a means of disassociating themselves from their slavery past.
Their new names are normally referred to as righteous names as they are now considered to Godly now and no longer ignorant and their third eye, which is the mind and is also known as the all seeing eye, is now open and they can see the world for what is truly is.
Being founded in the 1960’s during a colossal time of great prejudiced mindset against minorities, African Americans in particular, the Five Percent Nation/Nation of Gods and Earths along with the Nation of Islam and the Black Panther Party for Self Defense were the premier representatives of Black pride in an extraordinarily tumultuous time for Black people. They provided a sturdy pedestal with which the oppressed and disenfranchised people could speak up and stand out from being stifled and let their voices be heard.
It soon evolved from a grassroots movement to becoming an extraordinarily large following within the African American community.

The teachings spread almost virally at a rapid rate across the nation until their numbers were beginning to even rival their brethren, the Nation of Islam and the Black Panther Party for Self Defense.
Before delving into the philosophy and epic legacy of the Five Percent Nation/Nation of...

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