

The flyer’s description

More and more people seem to be on the bandwagon for trying to quit smoking, whether if it’s for their health, social matters, or due to the ongoing rise in the cost of cigarettes and taxes. However, many still find out that, despite all of the aids out there, quitting isn’t as easy as they would hope for.
Haven’t you got tired of spending such a big amount of money on cigarettes? But how would you feel if you could get some extra money for doing nothing?
Exactly, NOTHING! This is the make. That’s not a joke or an exaggeration. SMART (a stop smoking NGO) will pay you real world money to maintain your same lifestyle as before, except the smoking part. No tricks, no catches, no hoops to jump through, and more importantly, you get paid at the end of the month, regardless the number of months you have been quitting for, in exchange for your “clean” medical sheet.
I know…you’re now all wondering what a “clean” medical sheet is. At the end of each month you will have to bring a medical proof showing that the nicotine level is decreasing, as it is supposed to for a no-more-smoking person.
But here's the best thing: You don't need to be an adult to subscribe to our program. We take absolutely everyone who clicks this link and follows the instructions. The only way it could be easier is if we personally showed up to your house and clicked the button for you. If I had the time, I would absolutely do that, because clicking that button changed my life in major ways. Access now the SAY NO TO SMOKING section and you can also become a member of our healthy community. For example, my mother used to be a heavy smoker and signs of daily smoking began to show up. She quit smoking for five months now and her skin has already recovered its natural glow.
So what are you waiting for? Sign up now and join our online community full of easy money making people!

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