Future of America

Future of America

For the future of America I would like to see a change in our society’s prejudice against homosexuality. Since our most recent presidential election there has been a proposition that has passed that banned same sex marriage. It has been an unjust decision that has altered many lives. Most people are so afraid of change and things that they don’t consider “normal”. I hope to see in the future (hopefully not too far away) a change on society’s outlook against homosexuality.
Why do people fear what they don’t know or understand? It’s just human nature and the internal instinct of self preservation. Some people think that if we allow same sex marriages to be legal that they will out-number our population of opposite sex marriages. Others are against it because of religion. Everyone is entitled to their own beliefs and are free to live their lives as they choose. So why change those facts for gays? We should be embracing diversity instead of running from it.
Most of the people who are for same sex marriages understand that they don’t want to take over or change the way we live. They just want to be allowed the same benefits that married couples have. Such as, tax purposes (there are many benefits and exemption for filling jointly), insurance, legal issues (ie: custody of children or medical reasons). Same sex couples want to be treated as other couples are. They don’t want special treatment; just the same treatment for all couples.
When America voted to ban same sex marriages with Prop. 8, it changed a lot of people’s hope for our future. They people who are against it feel as if they are protecting our way of life but if they really looked closely at it they would see that it benefits all. There would be less hostility if people would be more open minded. Our country use to be against multi-racial marriages but that has changed and it has made our country a stronger nation.
I feel that if America could embrace the change and accept it then we...

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