Game over

Game over

Its Monday morning, my school alarm goes off, then I get a sinking feeling in my chest, today is my Pre calculus exam. My brain is still groggy but it’s starting to comprehend what’s going on. I’m tired as I stayed up late playing Xbox again, my new addiction. It consumes my life, a day doesn’t go by that I don’t play; there isn’t minute in class when I’m not thinking of picking up that controller.
I was failing the class, the first time ever for me, I wasn’t used to the feeling. I’d been up late almost every night, and the thoughts of homework, tests, assignments that where due, keep fading from my mind away day by day. Somehow I had a chance though, if I were to score at least an 93 on the exam I would pass and graduate high school with no failing grades. Even though a D wasn’t the best grade, it was better than if I where to fail because it would be “game over” no pun intended. I’ve always been good at math, but I wasn’t getting it, I even took tutoring for the first time ever in my life. But still every day in class my mind was drifting off to that new game. I really never had feeling like this before and at the time I thought it was normal.
My brain couldn’t wrap around the fact that this machine meant to be a pass time to waste a few hours a day, was turning into a lifestyle that was distracting me from my education. Even though I was hiding it from my parents, when they would go to sleep I turn my TV down and would act asleep when I would hear my parents wake up for a midnight snack, id be up as late a 3 on a normal night, and some nights wouldn’t sleep at all. Luckily my teacher and I had a good relationship, as Id had her for 2 years. She understood I wasn’t failing because I wasn’t smart or didn’t care, just because I was slacking off, and she tried to help me as much as she could. But here I was, pass or fail, one test to determine the fate of my high school career and I didn’t study a single minute. As I was getting ready for school, I was in full...

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