Darkplace is a spoof TV series, set in a hospital situated over the gates of hell in the 80’s. The production values, dialogue and acting are all intentionally poor and all aspects of film form are highly important in the programmes production.
This scene takes place in the hospital corridors between Rick, Liz and the clerical temp. Liz has developed a telekinetic ability, became insane, and is attacking people with random objects using her mind. Rick has come to stop her.
Rick enters through the lift doors, wearing a stereotypical doctors white lab coat. His wavy hair is typical of what was fashionable in the 80’s, along with his tinted metal-rimmed glasses, giving him a cool look. Unlike the other doctors he also wears cowboy boots, showing he is a maverick, an outlaw. The corridor has dull 80’s décor, beige and white painted walls and a dark grey flooring. There are also chairs with similar colours, all correct for that time period. For some inexplicable reason the corridor is lined with candles, signifying a holy event is about to occur i.e. the exorcism of telekinesis from Liz performed by the heroic Rick. The candles add great comedic effect, as horror shows of the 80’s would do something similar, although trying to make the scene more serious. As he rounds the corner there are no candles, only red light shining through the windows of patients’ doors, showing there is danger ahead. Rounding another corner, the hall is covered in paper, showing the trail of destruction Liz has created. Liz is floating in the corner of the hallway, her hair standing on end, as if electrocuted. A lot of the programme has references to other horror films of the time; Liz’s hair is clearly a reference to Poltergeist. Her clothing is also stereotypical of an 80’s hospital series, wearing all red apart from a white lab coat. The abundance of red symbolising the threat she poses. Her make-up is done to precision and is slightly over the top. The show itself...