

There are people who say that this generation is the dumbest because of lack of ability to focus for long periods of time. Also people might say that technology is making this generation lazy. Others might believe that this generation isn’t the dumbest. They might think that technology is helping us adapt to the world around them due to the fact that the world is run by technology. Even though this generation might be losing some ability to focus for long periods of time, technology is helping us adapt to the ever-changing world.
There are people who believe that this generation is the dumbest, but others would disagree. Some would argue that times have changed, as have the ways of research and learning. This generation might not know the same things as their grandparents, but that is because they are taught different occurrences in history, then back when their grandparents and parents were in school. Furthermore, many people honestly believe that the technology isn’t making us stupid, but it is making that generation smarter and more capable of understanding the world around them. Everyone uses technology in today’s society. Few might say that technology is helping us prepare for the future. Technology is used everywhere and in everyday life. If this generation is the dumbest then why have “IQ scores in every country that measures them…have been rising since the 1930s”? (Source B) As well as IQ scores rising, this generation writes more than previous generations have. Andrea Lunsford, a professor of writing and rhetoric at Stanford University, organized a project that showed that “technology isn’t killing our ability to write. It’s reviving it – and pushing our literacy in bold new directions.” (Source G) Technology isn’t a bad thing. It’s actually helping our literary skills. Others might disagree with the statement that technology is furthering our society and education.
Although some people in the generation named the “dumbest” are biased in saying that...

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