Gems Papel

Gems Papel

DEATH IN POE’S “THE MASQUE OF THE RED DEATH” A Research Paper Presented to Ms. Caroline Fox Normal Community High School In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements of the Course
Gems of Literature II By Jared Benjamin Lammers March 7, 2008 Death is one fear that everyone worries about and can not ignore. This is apparent in Edgar Allen Poe’s “The Masque of the Red Death,” where Prince Prospero faces an extremely fatal plague, called the Red Death, in his kingdom. Prince Prospero doesn’t want to have to face all the death and disease in his kingdom, so he brings a thousand of his favorite knights and dames to his most hidden castle. There they store plenty of food so that they can stay there until the plague is over. Prospero throws a masquerade party while at the castle and the Red Death gets into the party. The disease enters the party dressed as a victim of the Red Death, scaring everyone at the party. Prince Prospero tries to attack this unwanted guest and dies. The rest of the guests get scared and attack the Red Death, leading to their own deaths. Poe shows that despite human’s best efforts, death will still reach them. Edgar Allen Poe’s “The Masque of the Red Death” expresses the theme of death throughout the story. Death itself is shown throughout the story but especially by the masked figure at the ball. The Red Death enters the party, scaring and killing everyone there. The Red Death got inside the castle despite “…all of the walls and barriers to keep it out” (MIL 234). Milne shows how the Red Death is still able to penetrate the defenses of the castle. Walls and gates were unable to keep death from getting to the ball. The masked figured was dressed in all black with a face that looked like those of the victims of the Red Death. Black is one of the most commonly used symbols for death, and by having the figure wear all black Poe is clearly showing the relationship between death and the Red Death. Also in this story, “Poe has death or evil...

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