Gender Identity

Gender Identity

Gender Identity
Jennifer Cleveland
June 23, 2014
Teralyn Sell
Gender Identity
There are many influences on gender identification. Some of these influences are biological, and some are environmental. The interaction between hormones and behaviors can affect the determination of gender identity. Hormones help define our body, and will help govern behaviors that will lead to gender identity. The genes that a person is born with can influence gender identity, and the environment a person was raised in can also influence this identity. Then as we get older we define our sexual identity, and may not always be the same as everyone else. There are many ideas and theories on what helps define sexual identity.
Hormones and Behavior
Hormones help drive personality and behaviors. They are messengers sending messages between cells or groups of cells. Hormones are produced in the body and then circulate in the blood stream. This will influence the activity of cells that are far away. Hormones can affect social behaviors by influencing brain function (DeSoto, 2007). Steroid hormones will play a big role in sexual development and behavior (Pinel, 2009). Estrogen and testosterone are hormones that will influence the behaviors in males, and females. These hormones are often called the sex hormones, and all people have them it is just the amount that changes between people (DeSoto, 2007). Some hormones will have receptors in the brain. The hormone estrogen has effects such as memory, sex motivation, and sexual jealousy. Testosterone is thought to promote aggression, dominance, power, and also increases sex drive. As a teenager these hormones will greatly influence behaviors, and will help decide sexual identity. These hormones will account for the differences in behavior between men and women. If we can understand these differences in the each gender we can start to learn how best to address mental illness....

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