Genocide in Darfur

Genocide in Darfur

International Response to the Genocide in Darfur The Darfur region of Sudan is home to many mixed tribes and settled peasants who are either African or nomadic Arab Hearders. Throughout the ongoing genocide, the farmers are being murdered and systematically displaced by the Sudanese military and the Janjaweed. The Janjaweed are armed partisans from Darfurian and Arabic speaking tribes that have become known for their massacre, rape, torture and forced displacement in 1990 and from 2001-2005. So far the genocide in Darfur had claimed 400,000 lives and displaced over 2,500,000 people. The genocide in Darfur appears to have grown out of irrepressible hostility between ethic Blacks in the Darfur region and Arabs. In early 2003, a rebel group representing ethnic Blacks began attacking government targets in Darfur region, vocally asserting that the poor region was being overlooked by Khartoum in favor of Arabs; the rebels also made the claim at the time thatthere has been a long-standing policy of oppressing Black Africans while privileging Arabs. The ethnic and racial tensions were never satisfactorily resolved by the central Sudanese government in the years immediately preceding the start of wide-spread armed hostilities, but the situation was made even worse by the fact that Darfur has faced tensions over grazing rights and land rights. In February 2003, two Darfurianrebel groups frustrated by the poverty and neglect launched an uprising against the Khartoum government. In return the government started a scorch-earth campaign, and enlisted a militia of Arab nomadic tribes against the civilians of Darfur. The Islamic government justifies their frequent air raids by claiming their victims are rebels who refused to sign the Abuja “peace” treaty in Nigeria on May 5 2006 (Prunier,2008). However in reality, the Sudaniese government is trying to prevent the fighters from holding a congress that would unify their movement and enable them to start negotiations with the...

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