

Is Brazil a racial paradise?
This was a hard question for me to answer because there were parts of Brazil that were racist and parts that weren’t. There were places that looed poor and that is where some African’s lived and there were places that looked wealthy where some African’s lived. The film had said Brazil is diverse; a hybrid country. As soon as hearing that, there was no way Brazil is a racial paradise. There were 75 African descents making Brazil the second largest African population. Professor Gates goes around asking people he meets what color would they describe his skin. It was interesting that it seemed as if some people were hesitant to answer the color black, but there were a lot of people describing his skin color as they would use the colors of the rainbow. African slaves were brought to Brazil by the Portuguese, and they brought everything them. Their culture, religion, God, etc. Knowing that this country holds the second largest African population, right away you would you think that everyone here is black, and there is no racism. What was weird to me was European immigrants were brought to Brazil to outnumber explaining it to be a hybrid country. Brazil was the last country to embellish slavery, yet they declare themselves as a racial democracy. They say that they are a racial democracy but Africans that live there in Brazil believe that it is all a lie. When Gates went into the hair salon a hair dresser was talking about how some black women have a low self-esteem because all they see is white women with straight hair all over magazines. The media has made this an issue on African women. Watching this entire short film has shown me that Brazil is a racial paradise.

What are some parallels between the U.S and Brazil?
Some parallels between Brazil and the U.S is that there is racisim. Between the two countries, there are parts where blacks live and where whites live. The countries act as if they are equal but really they are not....

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