

Age structure > 0-14 years | 47.3 | | [6th of 226] |
Age structure > 15-64 years | 50.6 | | [220th of 226] |
Age structure > 65 years and over | 2.4 % | | [218th of 225] |
Birth rate | 49.62 births/1,000 population | | [1st of 226] |
Chinese population | 20 | | [125th of 127] |
Death rate | 20.26 deaths/1,000 population | | [8th of 226] |
Ethnic groups
Haoussa 55.4%, Djerma Sonrai 21%, Tuareg 9.3%, Peuhl 8.5%, Kanouri Manga 4.7%, other 1.2% |
Gender development | 0.263 | | [142nd of 141] |
Percentage living in urban areas | 22% | | [184th of 199] |
Population | 13,272,679 | | [66th of 242] |
Population growth rate | 2.878% | | [18th of 235] |
Population in 2015 | 19,283 | | [58th of 225] |
Projected population growth | 174.81% | | [15th of 141] |
Sex ratio > 15-64 years | 0.96 | | [181st of 223] |
Sex ratio > Total population | 1.05 male(s)/female | | [24th of 224] |
Sex ratio > Under 15 years | 1.04 male(s)/female | | [109th of 224] |
Total fertility rate | 7.29 children born/woman | | [2nd of 225] |
Total Population | 12,525,094 | | [66th of 227] |
Urban population | 2,344,772 | | [115th of 195] |
Urbanization | 21 | | [190th of 204] |

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