

In this assignment I am going to be identifying the process involved in planning support for individuals with different needs. The two individuals I will be referring to in this assignment are Sarah Devlin and Ruby Hemstock they both have different needs and both use health and social care services.

The process of assessment and planning


This is the first stage of the care planning cycle. Referral can be professional or in some cases self-referral. What is meant by the word referral is to direct to a source for help or information. There are many examples of referrals in both case studies.

Sarah- Her GP made a referral to the care team which then referred her to the direct nursing team. From the GP referred to the care team.

Ruby- Her family referred to care programme.

All those are examples of referrals.


This stage of the care planning cycle involves assessing the needs and preferences undertaken by the care plan manger. Using assessment tools this stage requires you to work closely with the individual. There examples of different types of assessments in both case studies.

Sarah- In home assessment to asses if she has improved. Moving and handling risk assessment, District nurse would asses is Sarah could remain in her own home.

Ruby- A full interdisciplinary assessments of both Ruby`s medical and physical needs. The intermediate care nurse assessments would include a thorough medical and social history. The occupational therapist would asses Ruby`s ability to carry out simple daily tasks. Either before or after discharge from the care home, the occupational therapist would assess Ruby`s home situation and re-asses the equipment given.

Assessment Tools

When assessing the needs of individual it’s also important to use assessment tools this is a vital...