Global Warming - the Great Global Documentary

Global Warming - the Great Global Documentary

First of all, you should watch a documentary movie that actually became a source of this unusual opinion on the global warming. It is called The Great Global Warming Swindle. This film states that human activity is not the main reason for global warming as many people tend to repeat.
In your anti-global warming research paper you can study the next factors, which prove that human activity is not the main cause of global warming:

Change of temperature and level of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere since 1940. There is an opinion, which you can introduce in the global warming research paper, that since 1940 the global temperature has been constantly increasing. But actually, it had been decreasing up to the year 1975 and only then it started increasing. In your global warming research paper you can tell about the impact of carbon dioxide on the change of climate. In reality, the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is teeny and mainly it is not the result of human activity. For instance, you can mention in your global warming research paper that volcanoes, animals and dying leaves produce bigger amounts of carbon dioxide.
In your global warming research paper you should tell about the impact of solar activity on the climate change. Nowadays, solar activity is higher than ever and it is one of the main reasons for the change of global temperature.
Well, how do you like this topic for the global warming research paper? As for me, it is perfect and your global warming research papers will be a real sensation.

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