God Is One

God Is One

Children are like a new white paper, they will write all the things that they see and hear. It’s our obligation to filter the information that came into them, which is a good one and which is a bad one. Television (TV) is the easy way out. Sure we can sit the kids down in front of it and then go do our own thing without listening to the screaming, fighting and constant questions from our children. TV as one of source information has several things that parents must aware to their children’s development in order to avoid the negative effects of watching too much TV. Bad behavior, poor health and wasted time are the problems that result from children’s watching too much TV. These Problems generally happen to the children as individual who can be influenced easily by something new or recur activities and TV is source information where children can get it easily.
The first problem will be discussed in this short essay is bad behavior. This problem actually happens when children imitate what’s on TV programs. When we say about bad behavior, we must identify what programs that directly trigger children to imitate. In general, there are three main programs that must be pay attention because it can influence behavior of children. Sometimes TV provides inappropriate movie programs that present violence, sex, romantic scene, slang language, and bad attitude. For example, the scene in Sinchan , one of movie program from Japan, that often imitate by children. The children will act as they have seen in that movie like: say a harsh word, see pornography, do violence, and do inappropriate activities. Moreover, Children who had viewed violent programming exhibited more aggressive behavior than children who had viewed a sports program. This shows a correlation between violent programming and violent behavior. Next program is criminal news programs. These programs teach children how to do a crime. For example, steal, use drugs, and violation. And the last program is news...

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