Gordon’s 11 Functional Health Patterns Assessment Questions

Gordon’s 11 Functional Health Patterns Assessment Questions

Gordon’s 11 Functional Health Patterns Assessment Questions

1.Health Perception-Health Management Patterns.

a. In general, how would you rate the general health of your family? Please describe why?
b. What do you do to improve and maintain your health?
c. What do you know about the links between lifestyle choices and health?

2. Nutritional-Metabolic Patterns.

a. Describe your Family’s typical content and timing of meals ?
b. Do you consider your family healthy eaters?
c. Does anyone consider himself or herself over or under weight?

3. Elimination Patterns.

a. Describe your family’s regular bowel elimination pattern?
b. Do you have any disease of the urinary system affecting elimination patterns.

4.Activity-Exercise Patterns.

a. Do you exercise? How often? If not, why?
b. What do you like to do in your spare time? What sports or activities do you participate in?

5.Sleep-Rest Patterns.

a. Do you feel that you are generally well rested and able to perform your daily activities? Describe your sleep wake cycle.
b. Do you awaken feeling rested and ready to take on the day?

6. Cognitive-Perceptual Patterns.

a. How would you describe your education?
b. How well you describe your hearing and vision?

7.Self-Perception Patterns.

a. Most of the time, do you feel good about yourself?
b. Do you ever feel that you have lost hope?

8.Roles-Relationships Patterns.

a. Who do you live with?
b. Do you interact with others outside of work or school?

9.Sexuality-Reproductive Patterns.

a. How would you describe your sexual relationship? Satisfying? Changes? Problems?
b. Last menstrual period? Para? Gravida?

10.Coping-Stress Tolerance Patterns.

a. Please describe if there were any big life changes recently and what has prompted it?

b. Who is most helpful in talking things over?

11. Values-Beliefs Patterns.

a. Do you have any religious or traditional practices? Are religion...

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