Great Expetations

Great Expetations

Great Expectations
Great expectations were set in the early Victorian England, when great social changes were sweeping the nation. When the division between rich and poor was nearly as wide as ever. More and more people moved from the country to the city in search of a greater economic opportunity. It fits a pattern popular in the nineteenth century England because the novel is a bildungsroman; it generally shows a transition from boy hood to man hood, such as that experienced by pip. This became popular between the people because they could easily relate to the novel. It depicts a stage in every boy or mans life, which the are very familiar to. This is typical of novels from the period.
As we read chapters one and thirty-nine we automatically make comparisons between the chapter and the characters Pip and Magwitch. The reader is drawn to the first chapter and chapter 39 because both introduce the convict, Magwitch .In characters one, Magwitch is portrayed as a fearful and dangerous character, whilst in chapter 39 he returns as a modest, generous and grateful character. Both chapters show contrast in the different situations they encounter .They show the contrasts between Pip when he was young and poor and when Pip is older and wealthy .It also portrays some contrasts in Magwitch ,when he’s first introduced as a escaped convict that is highly dangerous and when he returns in chapter 39 as a gentle and caring .Both chapters portray the economic and social division in the nineteenth century ,also shown through out Pips life .The readers opinions and views of Pip are sympathetic and pitiful in the opening chapters of Great Expectations because Pip is a mistreated by his sister and is an orphan, we are first introduced to him at his parents grave but during the story our opinions of Pip change because he is older and more wealthier from benefactor, he has forgotten his roots and has become lost in the great division between the social classes .
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