Great Person in History

Great Person in History

Great person in History
Throughout history many people have greatly influenced the course of their time. There was Jesus Christ, Julius Caesar, Socrates, and so many more. One of the most influential people of their time was Joan of Arc, one of the only women to actually go to war in the 15th century. Joan of Arc influenced many people mostly women of her time showing them that women can do anything men can do.
Joan of Arc was born in about 1412 in Domrémy France. She soon at the age of 7 or 12 received what she called a vision from 3 angels; St. Michael, St. Catherine, and St. Margare told her to make the English go away and to bring the Dauphin to Reims for his coronation. Then at the age of 16 she asked Durand Lassois to take her to Vaucouleurs where she asked for permission to visit the royal French court at Chinon. She was denied then 2 months later returned again where she gave a prediction about military reversal near Orléans. Then Robert de Baudricourt granted her an escort to visit Chinon after news from the front confirmed her prediction. She traveled through enemy territory so she had to disguise herself as a man. When she arrived she impressed King Charles the VII during a conference she had with him. At the same time Charles VII’s mother-in-law was sending a relief expedition to Orléans. Joan then asked the King for permission to travel with the group and to be able to wear the equipment of a knight. She was told she may go and then went off to war.
When she was promoted to head of the Army Joan had many victories. She then opposed Jean d'Orleans at a council when she demanded an assault on the enemy. Jean d'Orleans denied the demand and ordered the city gates locked to prevent another battle. Joan then rallied townsmen and knights which forced the mayor to unlock the gates. Soon after unlocking the gates Joan captured Saint Augustins fortress. On May 7 Joan decided to disregard all orders and assault the main English stronghold "les...

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