Groups in the Rainforest

Groups in the Rainforest

Groups In The Rainforest 4

There are many different groups that use the rainforest. These are some of the groups are the indigenous people, the environmentalists, the loggers, and the cattle ranchers. There are many different conflicts between these four different groups some are that the loggers and cattle ranchers want space and money. The indigenous and environmentalists want to preserve the rainforest and the use of plants in the forest to use as medicines. The indigenize people want to use the rainforest for farming and medicines for there own use. The environmentalists want to preserve the rainforest so that others can enjoy it like they do. The loggers want money for there projects and to send the wood out to other countries. The cattle ranchers want space so their cattle can get endue food and space to wander around on their own.
There are many different environmental impacts on this planet when the rainforest is cut down. The first impact on the environment is that the more forest that is chopped down, not as many plants can absorb the CO2 emotions that are put in to the air of every day life all around the world. The second impact on the environment is that the less forest there is the less amount of habitat there is for certain species of animals that only live in the rainforest. The last impact is pretty much the same as the first one and that it will increase the affect of global warming.
There are many negative effects of rainforest destruction that affect the world in many different ways. The first effect is the more forest that is chopped down by the loggers for money and the cattle ranchers for space this will slightly increase the amount of green house gases that are released into the air. The second effect is the indigenous people won’t have a place to live.
There are many actions that you can take to ensure that the forest doesn’t disappear. The first action that you can take is telling the loggers to...

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