Gun control laws a pursuasive speech

Gun control laws a pursuasive speech

 In the United States forty-four states passed legislation that allowed citizens to legally carry concealed firearms. Some states already had these laws in place prior to 1980 Illinois was the only state not to pass a law allowing concealed weapons for self-protection. A federal ban on manufacturing of semiautomatic weapons, transfers or ownership was passed in 1994 later to expire in 2004.

The stand your ground law was put in to effect in Florida in 2005. This allowed gun owners to be acquitted of any wrong doing when confronted with violent criminals. It was an extension so to speak of the castle law which meant using deadly force even if the citizen could have avoided the situation safely. These laws expand our protection inside and outside of our homes to any place we have a right to be. Guns are an important necessity for today’s world for the protection are families. Since the creation of these laws twenty-four states have passed similar legislation.

The major argument is the theory that more gun control would save more lives. The United States government should have better legislation to protect law abiding citizens who own firearms. Studies show it is common fallacy that gun bans would make a safer society. In 2002 five years after enacting its gun ban, the Australian Bureau of Criminology acknowledged that there was no correlation between gun control and the use of firearms in violent crime. Australia’s Bureau of Crime Statistics and Research acknowledges that the gun ban had no significant impact on the amount of gun—involved crime. In fact the percentage of crimes committed with a firearm were the highest they had ever seen. In 2006 assaults rose to over forty nine percent while robbery climbed to just over six percent. Sexual assault had increased to over twenty nine percent. The overall crime rate in Australia rose to a staggering 42 percent. The United States and Australia where the gun bans do not exist bot nations experienced a...

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