Gun Violence

Gun Violence


Iago’s Motives
When one has hate in their heart they can be motivated to do terrible things. The play Othello by William Shakespeare was about the hard struggles of a prestigious black man named Othello. Othello is a general in the Venetian army. He appointed Cassio as the lieutenant rather than Iago. Iago is Othello’s servant, who has served in several wars. Iago feels like he deserved the job instead of Cassio. Since Iago feels that he was wronged, he takes matters into his own hands. Iago’s motivation is hate fueled by personal and professional unjustness, but some may believe it is a quest to prove his intelligence.
Iago’s hatred for Othello makes him very motivated to cause pain to others. John McCloskey, an assistant professor of English at University of Oregon, also argues that Iago’s motives come from hatred due to personal and professional unjustness. In his article, “Wounded pride, a feeling of personal injustice and jealous suspicion coalesce into his master passion of hate for Othello the Moor” (McCloskey 25). Iago thinks Othello has previously had intercourse with his wife Emilia. The accusations of Emilia and Othello being together causes Iago to want revenge and what better way to seek revenge than have Othello believe his wife has cheated on him. Iago mentions on more than one occasion that he indeed hates Othello. Shakespeare writes, “I hate the Moor, /And it is thought abroad that ‘twixt my sheets/ H’as done my office. I know not if’t be true, /But I, for mere suspicion in that kind, /Will do, as if for surety. He holds me well; / The better shall my purpose work on him” (I.iii. 377-82). Iago will stop at nothing until he has ruined Othello and make him feel pain. Shakespeare writes, “And nothing can or shall content my soul/ Till I am even’d with him, wife for wife, / or failing so, yet that I am put the Moor at least into a jealousy so strong / that judgment cannot cure (II. i.298-302). Iago’s personal hatred towards...

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