Hamilton and Jefferson

Hamilton and Jefferson

Hamilton and Jefferson
Thomas Jefferson and Alexander Hamilton were two of the most influential brilliant minds of the late 18th century early 19th century. Though they both had great minds they disagreed with each other continually. They almost never agreed on something or shared ideas. They had completely viewpoints on most all things. The main things that they disagreed on that helped shape our country were, the national bank, the interpretation, the Alien and Sedition Acts, the separation between the powers of the state and the central government and the focus of the American economy.
The very first national bank was passed through congress in 1791. Much to Jefferson’s dismay. Jefferson was 100% against any idea of a National Bank. On the other hand though Hamilton thought of the idea. Jefferson said that no where in the constitution was there authorization for making such a bank. He also said that “The incorporation of a bank, and the powers assumed by this bill, have not, in my opinion, been delegated to the United States, by the Constitution”(Doc F) . Hamilton argued “Thus a corporation may not be erected by Congress for superintending the police of the city of Philadelphia, because they are not authorized to regulate the police of that city. But one may be erected in relation to the collection of taxes, of to trade with foreign countries, of to trade between the states, of with Indian tribes; because it is the province of the federal government to regulate those objects, and because it is incident to a general sovereign or legislative power to regulate a thing, to employ all the means which relate to its regulation to the best and greatest advantage.” (Doc D). This basically says that a yes, a corporation that would police a specific town would be unconstitutional because they would not have any knowledge of the town. He also says ,though, that a national bank for collecting taxes and various activities is completely reasonable even a smart idea....

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