Hamlet Analysis

Hamlet Analysis

The character of Hamlet is very believable in fact I think that Hamlet identifies better with an adolescent of the 1990’s more than he does with the youth of his time. Hamlet is immature, sarcastic and takes action in the heat of passion witch is very much like the radical behavior of today’s youth. Hamlets' maturity level for his time was low specially him having such a high position. He is extremely offensive to people, such as the king the queen. An immature, mouthy, extremist is, the inability to love maturely, and rudeness towards authority are just of few off the things that he shares with today’s youth. It is to my belief that he would have an easier time living during my time rather than his own.
Laertes and Hamlet although adversaries exhibit very similar characteristics. They both display impulsive reactions and rash behavior often acting emotion rather than rationality. Laertes consumed with rage automatically thrusts out attempting to kill Claudius assuming him, his father's killers. Both their imprudent actions are incited by fury and frustration. Sudden anger prompts them to act spontaneously. Leartes and Hamlet both share a deep love and concern for Ophelia. Leartes provides lengthy advice to Ophelia before leaving for France although both individuals despise each other they are both infatuated with her. .
Leartes is also similar to Hamlet in the way that he associates with his family. Laertes and Hamlet hold a high admiration for their fathers immediately seeking revenge on the assassin. They both exhibit domineering attitudes toward females. Leartes able to control Ophelia’s opinion of Hamlet and his general attitude towards women. In the same way Hamlet can easily persuade Gertrude of his sanity and Manipulate into Making Claudius seem like a foe.

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