HCS 330 UOP course tutorial/Shoptutorial

HCS 330 UOP course tutorial/Shoptutorial

HCS 330 Entire Course

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HCS 330 Week 1 DQS
HCS 330 Week 1 Individual Assignment: Preclass Disease Questionnaire
HCS 330 Week 2 Individual Assignment: Disease in the News
HCS 330 Week 2 DQs
HCS 330 Week 3 Adopt a Disease Paper
HCS 330 Week 3 DQs
HCS 330 Week 4 Culture and Disease Paper
HCS 330 Week 4 DQs
HCS 330 Week 5 DQs
HCS 330 Week 5 Final Adopt a Disease Powerpoint Presentation


HCS 330 Week 1 Individual AssignmentPreclassDisease

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Discuss the Preclass Disease Questionnaire in class. The questionnaire is located in the Materials section of your student Web page. The Preclass Disease Questionnaire is designed to test your current knowledge regarding disease and its impact on society after you have completed the required


HCS 330 Week 2 Individual Assignment Disease News

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Write a critical appraisal of a peer-reviewed journal, newspaper, or magazine article that you have recently read concerning one infectious disease trend. Some examples of infectious diseases include Tuberculosis, AIDS, the Bird Flu, Anthrax, or Chickenpox. Post to your Individual Forum by 11:59 pm MST on Monday week 2.
• Address the following in a 1,250- to 1,500-word paper:
o Authors. Provide information about the authors, including credentials and academic, organizational, or institutional affiliation. Does the author have a bias or vested interest?
o Type of article: peer-reviewed journal, newspaper, magazine
o Introduction. What is the article about?
o Claims....

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