

-Qué tipos de medicina alternativa conoces y cuáles has utilizado alguna vez
-Comparación entre medicina alternativa y tradicional.
-efecto placebo

My name is Lola Martinez. Today I’m going to speak about conventional medicine and alternative medicine.
I would like to speak about health issues /ˈɪʃuː/s focusing on conventional medicine and alternative health treatments.
Through my speech /spiːtʃ/ I’m going to cover these points.
Firsly I’ll speak about conventional medicine.
Secondly, I’m going to tell you about alternative medicine,
besides,  /bɪˈsaɪdz/
I’ll mention some treatments and techniques(tekni:ks) which are well-known in our society.
Finally, the last point here to cover is what placebo (plasíbou) effect is.
Let me start with tradicional medicine.
Health care  /kɛəʳ/ has improved a great deal (mucho) for ordinary people who live in societies where there is a public healthcare system.
This means we have improved our living standards and also life expectancy.   /ɪksˈpektənsɪ/

/drʌ>g/ drug medicamento/ medicina
In any case, generally (lléneli) speaking,
tradicional medicine is about taking drugs prescribed by doctors to address different kinds of health problems, and about surgery ˈs3ːdʒərɪ/ and taking tests in different kinds of healthcare( asistenciamédica) establishments for more accurate  /ˈækjʊrɪt/ diagnosis.(diagnousis)
Let’s move on to the second point, alternative medicine.
Nowadays alternative medicine is becoming more and more popular in our society.
Alternative medicine is based on the belief that a medical care provider has to treat the whole /həʊl/ person-body, mind and spirit.
The techniques, /tekˈniːk/s used are less invasive /ɪnˈveɪsɪv/ than conventional medical practices, meaning that they don’t rely /rɪˈlaɪ/ on surgery ˈs3ːdʒərɪ/ or conventional medications.
Some alternative therapies are supported by scientific evidence. ˈevɪdəns/ . But for many there are still questions that need to be addressed...

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